For those of you who aren't aware of this, Louisiana weather is about as up and down as a rollercoaster ride - one day it's in the 80's and warm and the next it will be in the 50's and freezing (to us, at least!) Needless to say, many people get sick this time of year, and right now I am one of them! But hopefully with the help of my friends Nyquil and Sudafed, we can kick this thing in the butt!
In other news, Mo is leaving on Friday to go meet up with his dad and two brothers in Tampa, Fl. Mo's brother Sam a.k.a Sam the Man or Sammy goes to school at the University of South Florida, so he got tickets for Saturday's football game and they are all attending - this means, yes, that I will have a weekend all to myself, to shop, get a pedicure, and just lay around in bed eating junk food (who am I kidding, I do that even when he IS home!) Anywho, hopefully I'll get in some quality girl time!
Mo with Sam and Liza last Thanksgiving
On Friday some women from our newlyweds Sunday school class at Church are getting together to have a "girls nite!" Holla! A girly movie and junk food it is! Not to mention precious time fellowshipping with other married Christian women that rock!
Also - please pray for Mo as he is carrying a full load this semester in school. He works full time for LSU and has an awesome job, but he is still going to school part-time and should finish up in a year, Lord willing! Anyway, while it is an amazing opportunity and blessing for us, he stays extremely busy during the Fall and Spring semesters, so please pray that the Lord will give him the strength to get through it all in one piece!!
Well I suppose that's it for today! Please pray for safe travels for Mo, that he will come back to me in one piece, and I hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday!
P.S. Don't forget to watch The Office tonight! I hear Karen is back in the picture! Holla!

Hi Katie!
I felt the need to introduce myself! Jen and I talked about you today and she asked if I knew you got a blog. I told her that I just realized this last night! So fun. We are all so excited because now we get to know you better, and Jen just loves y'all!
So anyway, I'll hve to come back later and read all your posts. But, welcome to blog world. You'll love it!!
I am Angie! I just wanted to stop by to welcome you to blogland! It is so much fun and you will be blessed by so many people, you won't believe it! I hope you enjoy reading everyone's posts and getting to know us!
Take care and post often!
Angie xoxo
Looooooove the new picture!
Favorite Office quote from last night:
"Wanted: Middle Aged Black Man with Sass"
See you tonight!
Love you!
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