On Thursday night when I got home from work, the LAST thing I felt like doing was being social. This however posed a problem because we meet with our newlyweds bible study on Thursday nights! So for about 15 mins, I whined about how I was tired and didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't want to get out of my pajamas that I had already put on or have to put a smile on my face and be pleasant with people. I was TIRED!!
Oh poor pitiful me! Let me tell you that Thursday night was one of the best bible study sessions I have sat through in a very long time. We typically have a little agenda or guide that we follow each bible study session, but that night was different. As we were sitting there with each other, catching up on the past few weeks that we hadn't met and just generally enjoying each other's company, we all began to open up about our recent struggles of genuinely and sincerely PRAISING JESUS for where we are right now in our lives. First of all, it felt so good to be able to open up comfortably to these couples and to express these feelings. We all agreed how we tend to get so caught up in searching for the perfect home, getting that promotion, graduating, etc. that we forget to PRAISE HIM for where we are right now at this point in our lives. For each and every thing that we have been blessed with. For our home, whether we think it's too small, for our jobs, whether we think we should be making more money, for where we live, whether we would choose to move to another location. I learned that instead of anticipating Mo graduating, making more money, moving to another city - I need to focus on the here and now and what HE us calling me to do in my current situation. It's good stuff people!
On a much lighter note, Mo and I went on a camping trip to celebrate our 2 year anniversary! It was so much fun! We had zero distractions from each other that weekend - no TV, Wii, internet, phone calls - it was heavenly! We met Roscoe the racoon who kept invading our campsite, and who, on the last night of our stay, was wounded by my husband who threw a log at him because he was within three feet of our tent! Yikes! Here are some pictures!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
God Bless!!
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