I am all propped up on the couch inhaling chik-fil-a while hubby is out fishing with bff Grant, this means I get FULL reign of the tv! So I am watching LOST, lost as I always am trying to figure it out and I don't have Mo here to explain things to me every 5 mins!
In other news!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it! We are leaving for Florida next week to go visit my daddy and stepmom. I haven't seen my dad in over a year and we haven't been to visit them in FL in 4 years, so I am very excited to hop on a plane, take a break from work, and spend some time with family! I forsee a lot of lounging, playing some music and singing in my daddy's awesome music studio and enjoying some good home-cooked meals!
I hope everyone's Easter weekend was great! It was so stormy and rainy on Easter morning and when we left church it was monsooning outside! So, we decided to brave it! I rolled up my pant legs and we ran to the car, holding hands and giggling like a bunch of 3rd graders! I think it was the most fun I had all day!
Well, back to being lost with LOST! LOVES!
Katie Kates
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Florida next week!
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6:16 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
Life in Houston
GEEZ!! Well, after nearly a year of being on a blog hiatus (I say this, but I still stalk other people's blogs, I know, I'm a cheater!) and with our move to Houston and away from so many family and friends, I figured what better time to start it up again!
Please bare with me as I feel so completely new and awkward to this blogging experience since it has been a ridiculously long amount of time since I last posted a blog!
As most all of you know, Mo and I recently packed up our life in Baton Rouge, where we called home for nearly the past 5 1/2 years, and relocated to the BIG city of Houston! We are loving it so far and really have been out exploring every weekend to see what this gigantic town has to offer!
Yesterday while we were walking the trails at George Bush park on a BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon, we were listing all of the fun things we have done so far since living here:
1. We take full advantage of the dog park near our house! Bailey and Molly love it. Bailey always seems to steal the show while swimming after his ball in the pond. This ball has become a complete and utter addiction for this dog. I mean, withdrawals like you would never believe. Have mercy!
2. We're in Texas y'all! We both bought our own handguns and love going to the shooting range when we get the chance! I know this doesn't seem like something I would love, but I do. I think it's that Indiana girl in me!
3. We've driven around alot looking at homes recently and figuring out what neighborhoods we want to live in and dreaming of our next home, most likely the one in which we will start our family! Very exciting times!
4. We recently spent the afternoon at George Bush park. We packed a backpack full of water, snackies, and a blanket and spent the afternoon walking the trails and lying under the trees relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We both agreed that it was probably our most favorite thing that we've done since we've been here!
Whew, I almost feel a sense of relief finishing this post! I am BACK in ACTION!!
I truly hope everyone is having a fabulous start to this new week! Remember this week our precious Jesus who died on that cross for OUR sins, when we are so not worthy and later ROSE from the grave. Joy!!
Love you all!
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6:02 PM