I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend and got to spend time with their family, friends, and loved ones! Oh yeah, and gorged on embarrasing amounts of food! I know I did...
Does anyone want to know how I spent my day off yesterday? Well I will tell you!
A typical Monday for me consists of sleeping in, cleaning the house, working on laundry, and grocery shopping. It's my day off, but I try to get all of my wifely duties taken care of while Mo is away at work and I don't have someone behind me messing up something I just organized! Bless his heart, but he is not the tidiest, but I suppose that's why he has me!
This is not how my Monday played out yesterday. We wanted a Wii. Yes, that little box that can brings hours of pleasure that is virtually impossible to get your hands on at this point in time. On a consumer note, it is the comparison of what the Tickle-Me-Elmo was a few years back. Now something I have to admit about myself is that if someone tells me I cannot have something, I WILL find a way to get it. It's not a good thing. It is a very bad thing that can drive me absolutely crazy, as well as others around me. Well this is one of those cases.
Mo and I drove around on Sunday night, stopping at several stores looking for this Wii. This is how most of the conversations went:
Me: "Hi, do y'all have any Wii's?" (I already feel silly for saying the word Wii)
Person who works at Gamestop/Target/Walmart/Gameware/Best Buy/Compusa: "No." (Rolling their eyes and acting annoyed that I would ask such a heinous question)
Ok, well this was not OK with me. Apparently. Because the next morning I woke up and started at Best Buy, made my way over to the mall and stopped by Gameware, Gamestop, then Walmart, Target, another gamestop, a different Walmart, another Gamestop, another Gameware, another Walmart, another Walmart, a Kmart, Target again, and another Gamestop.
Is there something wrong with me!!!??? Seriously, I do NOT want the Wii this bad, I only want it because someone is telling me I can't have it and I don't like that!
While I was at one Walmart, I walked up and asked if they had any - yes they did - and the guy standing in line in front of me got the last one (BTW he would not make eye contact with me - I think he sensed my anxiety over the Wii) - Well I THOUGHT this was the last one! But then I saw one behind the counter - and asked "What about that one?" I was told that the customer was going to get cash out of the ATM because her credit card wouldn't work and they were holding to for her. I said "My credit card works just fine. And there is a Wii right there and I can buy it right now." They said "No." I was sad.
I finally went home defeated, exhausted, my little legs were sore from running through parking lots the size of a football field.
That night Mo and I decided that instead of a Wii, we would join the XBOX 360 bandwagon since a lot of our friend's have Wii's. This morning Jen officially welcomed me to the XBOX 360 Widows club!
Quite honestly, I do NOT care about video games or anything that has to do with them, but it's fun to me and I enjoy joining in with friends when they are playing them. I guess I just had to prove the US Consumer market wrong and show them that I could get a Wii if I wanted one! But I didn't, and that's ok because I actually had a lot of fun yesterday playing my little "Find the Wii" game! haha!
Isn't it funny when you begin to put things into perspective though? Here I am searching desperately for this $250 toy when there are children and families all over the world who don't even have a bed to sleep in at night and play with sticks for toys. I am beyond grateful for the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon me and for everything that Mo and I have been given. I don't have to worry about being cold at night. I turn on the heater. If I am hungry, I walk to my refrigerator and grab some food. If I am bored, I turn on my TV or play on the internet. So who cares about a Wii or an Xbox....so while I might not have been cleaning the house all day or working on the laundry - I was learning something about myself and changing something about myself...and I supposed that is worth more than all of the Wiis in the whole wide world! (Had to throw that in there!)
God Bless you All! Love ya!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wii are crazy!
Posted by
12:36 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Whole Wide World
I don't even know what to say about last night's episode of The Bachelor: The Final Rose - so sad. I agree with Jen that he should not have proposed to either one of them if he couldn't make that promise. And honestly, who can truly make that promise to someone in a span of 6 weeks. That aside, I am dissapointed in how Brad pulled out these women's deepest emotions - it was almost as if he was just desperately searching for something to cling to. Jen and I sat on the edge of the bed about to ralph all over ourselves as we awaited the final outcome. Who knows, what I do know is that if I have to hear Jenni say "whole wide world" one more time, someone's gettin slapped!
I am desperately hoping that he will propose to one of them tonight on After the Final Rose, but I am not that lucky, and apparently, neither are Deanna or Jenny!
Ok back to reality!
Mo's brother Sam has decided to come visit for Thanksgiving, so it will be nice to have a little out of town company over the holidays! I am certainly looking forward to the Thanksgiving spread! I am trying my hand at a Green Bean and Artichoke Casserole and frosted pumpkin squares - mmmmm! Let's hope this goes well!
Happy Holidays everyone and don't forget to praise the Lord for all of the wonderful blessings in your life. While life can certainly bring us struggles it is so important to focus on our blessings and be thankful for what we have been given!
Posted by
12:35 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Lazy Dayz
How much do we love lazy days?!
Today was absolutely glorious - I slept in until 10am! Mo made me a yummy breakfast and then we headed off to the store to help my mom with some computer stuff! When we came home, we proceeded to lay on the couch all night, watch the LSU vs. Ole Miss game, which by the way WE WON, and flip through the channels while snuggling with the puppies - it has been nice.
So while this blog may be a bit boring to everyone else - I am completely relaxed and loving it (as long as I try not to think of all of the laundry piling up in the other room!)
Update on the job search: I had an interview at a law firm on Thursday and it was so hilarious - now you ask yourself - "Can an interview really be that hilarious?" Yes my friends! It can be! My "interviewers" were two guys my age who are the legal assistants there at the law firm. They love The Office just as much as I do and proceeded to bring to my attention that the copy machine in the office is the same copy machine that is so prominently featured in the opening credits of The Office. I was asked what type of animal I would be if I could be any animal - I said a mongoose so I could live in the islands again! We talked about Sprinkles and Garbage and laughed pretty much the whole time. It seemed like it would be a great place to work, so hopefully I will get a call sometime this coming week!
Thursday night was the Thanksgiving dinner for our Newlyweds class that our friends Matt and Julie opened their home for. It was a blast! I love it how when it came time to eat - the guys and girls immediately separated - girls at the table gabbing away and guys in front of the TV watching footballNaturally! It was great though and I am so thankful for great friends like this! It also makes me truly appreciate my husband and the fact that I have found my partner in life, it is a great feeling!
So tomorrow is Sunday and hopefully it will be another day full of relaxation before the week gets here, I mean, I'm going to need all that relaxing before I have to shove all that food in my face come Thursday!
Have a great rest of your weekend everyone! I love y'all! And for the ones I haven't met yet, I love y'all too and hopefully we will meet soon!!!
Posted by
6:54 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
WANTED: A job!
Ok, so if you read my earlier posts, you know that I recently quit my job to help my mom open her own jewelry store which has been a dream of hers for awhile! Well the store is open and it is beautiful and full of exciting finds, however, I am finding out that this may not have been the best fit for me!
See, I am a people person - I like having coworkers - even if they suck, I like interacting with people daily and I enjoy the "watercooler" talk, etc. So I am finding that I am getting pretty lonely here, which is fine, because everyone has their different desires for what they want out of their job, and I am just finding that this might not be the best place for me! Praise the Lord that my parents are supportive of this and only want my happiness!
Sooooooo, I am looking for a job! I forgot how much I hated this process. I truly despise this process. While it is exciting to think of all the possibilities that are out there, it is also sickeningly nerve-wrecking how you are required to sit down in front of a person or a group of people and be scrutinized, asked scripted questions - "Give me an example of a time when you could have done better at your job, etc" Everyone knows those types of questions - and I hate them with a passion. I freeze up, forget my last job, or what classes I took in school to prepare me for this job and I tend to think I sound like a dummy - apparently I don't or I would have never had a job, but still! That is how I feel so that's how it is! ;)
So pray for me as I am going through this whole process of finding a job again! I know there is a job out there that the Lord has for me, it's just a matter of me listening to him and finding that job!
On a lighter note, I have lost about 9 pounds in the last 3 weeks! My pants are literally falling off of me and I couldn't be more excited! My goal is for both Mo and I to continue to eat healthier so we have many many years together! On the converse, we are having Thanksgiving dinner for our newlyweds class tomorrow night and I must must practice self-control!! Ahhh! What is that!? Self-control at Thanksgiving dinner?!?!
On a football note, Saturday night my baby was working the LSU vs. LA Tech game so I decided I would fight the crowds and meet up with him and watch the game from the suites! It was a blast! I had a glass of wine and watched the game with Mo, Jeff, and Melissa and chatted! Then the best part was when Lee Greenwood (composer of "Proud to be an American) rocked his American flag jacket during halftime when he sang "Proud to be an American" and the whole stadium stood up and was singing it to the top of their lungs, hello, can you say goosebumps! So awesome, and it took me back to 3rd grade when we sang it at school, haha!
Ok, well that's about it for now! I hope everyone is having an awesome week! And don't forget that next Monday is The Bachelor: The Final Rose! Oh my gosh! I'm voting Deanna will get the rose! Either way, fun will be had as Jen and I are throwing our own little Bachelor party that night and I'm sure there will be screaming and/or tears...we shall see!
Peace out!
Posted by
8:41 AM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ok so it has been quite some time since Mo and I have been able to go on a vacation, just he and I - actually it's been since our honeymoon in February 2006 - every other vacation we have been on since has been to visit family, etc. so we think this is much overdue!
Now my husband can be a procrastinator, especially when it comes to large sums of money - buying a car, booking a vacation, etc - which I guess I should be grateful for! We have talked about where we have wanted to go for months and could never decide on anything!
Sooooooooo, how surprised was I when he ACTUALLY purchased two airline tickets to................................................KEY WEST!!!! Hollllllaaaaa!!!! We are leaving Dec. 16 and coming back on Dec. 21, just in time for Christmas!
I cannot even tell you how excited I am right now! We had been talking about Key West and I thought we MIGHT go, but I guess it's definite now and I could not be MORE excited to spend 6 days in a sunny paradise with the love of my life!
If anyone has ever been to Key West, I would love suggestions on where to stay and things to do! We are flying in to Ft. Lauderdale, renting a car, driving to Key West, and then staying at different Keys as we make our way back up! Suggestions are welcome!!
So even though this day is totally gray and cold, I am SO excited to be leaving on a jet plane next month to sun and sand!
P.S. The flight is non-stop - could this get any better!!!!!
I hope everyone has a fantabulous day and is thinking about how they are going to celebrate the holidays next month!
Love y'all!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Cold Weather
So! I haven't been doing this for a week and apparently, according to Jen, I am slacking! I have to agree that I probably am ;)
Wow! Where to start! I dropped off the hubby on Friday afternoon and then Jen and I headed to Kasey's house to hang out and fellowship with some other women from church! It was much needed! There was entirely way too much food, which of course made my night, and some really great conversation that night! Praise the Lord for wonderful women of Him!
Friday night I had a little trouble getting to sleep in the big bed all by myself, but to calm my fears, I turned the TV on out in the living room and found Nick at Nite - this helps me feel like I am not all alone in the house!
Well that might not have been such a great idea! See, Bailey, our mini daschund FREAKS OUT when the doorbell rings, and not only is it if OUR doorbell rings, but if a doorbell on the TV rings, he has lost it! So about 3 different times during the night, I am awoken by Bailey barking and going nuts out in the living room - I walk out all groggy-eyed and realize that it was only the doorbell ringing on the Fresh Prince of Bel-air - holla! So back to bed for me, and I only have to go through this 3 times that night - I know I probably should have turned the TV off, but I was LONELY ok!!!
Saturday was a work-filled day for me, but an absolutely beautiful one at that, so I didn't mind that much! After work, it was off to Jen and Grant's for me for a little Legally Blonde: The Musical Time with my Jenny Ju Ju! Grant just loved us for this - they also loved me because I came barging into their house insisting that I MUST watch the LSU vs. Alabama game that was on at that very instant! Tiger girl y'all, sorry! I do love them for this, and Grant even brought Jen and I pizza - mmmm, pizza and Legally Blonde, what more could a girl truly ask for?!
So fun was had in the Isaminger household Saturday night - I believe we stayed up talking until about 2:15am, it was fantastic and I wouldn't have traded that night for anything! Grant even participated! He was so great to put up with us all night and he is such a wonderful husband to Jen! Yay for Grantley Isaminger!
Sunday morning it was off to church for us! Yay for our church, I absolutely love it and the friends we have made - after church we went to Walk-on's but I did NOT like what I ordered so bummer for that :(
I was so excited to get home and get the house all spic and span for my baby's arrival! Let me tell you guys, this was not of me, but the Lord, because I don't think I have ever been that motivated to clean clean clean! And the house wasn't even that bad! I gave myself a mani and pedi, SHAVED MY LEGS! AAAND curled my hair b/c that's how Mo insists that I wear it ;) Then it was off to the airport in New Orleans to pick up Mo mo!
So since then, the week has been pretty mundane, but I LOVE this weather and it being dark when I get home. All I want to do is jump in a bubble bath and wear snuggly socks all night! It's fantastic!
Ok, well that about does it for the update! I hope everyone is having a motivated week! Love y'all!
God Bless!
Posted by
9:08 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday everyone! I am so excited for the weekend to be here although I have to work tomorrow, it will keep me busy while my sweet precious pie is out of town! Speaking of, he called earlier and arrived in Tampa safe and sound!
After dropping him off at the airport in New Orleans, grabbing a hot dog from an On the Run gas station (I was hungry!) and driving 45 mins back home, I passed the Tanger Outlet Mall and could NOT resist - I did happen to find some great fitting jeans on sale as well as a cute sweater for 6 bucks! Not a bad deal!
So now I am relaxing and about get ready for Jen to come meet me and we are off to Girls Nite! I am so going to wear my new jeans and sweater and no one can stop me! What now!
Ok short blog for today, but I'll post pics tomorrow!
God Bless!
Posted by
2:39 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Under the Weather
For those of you who aren't aware of this, Louisiana weather is about as up and down as a rollercoaster ride - one day it's in the 80's and warm and the next it will be in the 50's and freezing (to us, at least!) Needless to say, many people get sick this time of year, and right now I am one of them! But hopefully with the help of my friends Nyquil and Sudafed, we can kick this thing in the butt!
In other news, Mo is leaving on Friday to go meet up with his dad and two brothers in Tampa, Fl. Mo's brother Sam a.k.a Sam the Man or Sammy goes to school at the University of South Florida, so he got tickets for Saturday's football game and they are all attending - this means, yes, that I will have a weekend all to myself, to shop, get a pedicure, and just lay around in bed eating junk food (who am I kidding, I do that even when he IS home!) Anywho, hopefully I'll get in some quality girl time!
Mo with Sam and Liza last Thanksgiving
On Friday some women from our newlyweds Sunday school class at Church are getting together to have a "girls nite!" Holla! A girly movie and junk food it is! Not to mention precious time fellowshipping with other married Christian women that rock!
Also - please pray for Mo as he is carrying a full load this semester in school. He works full time for LSU and has an awesome job, but he is still going to school part-time and should finish up in a year, Lord willing! Anyway, while it is an amazing opportunity and blessing for us, he stays extremely busy during the Fall and Spring semesters, so please pray that the Lord will give him the strength to get through it all in one piece!!
Well I suppose that's it for today! Please pray for safe travels for Mo, that he will come back to me in one piece, and I hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday!
P.S. Don't forget to watch The Office tonight! I hear Karen is back in the picture! Holla!

Posted by
10:16 AM