Yay! HE is GOOD!!!
Less than 30 seconds after I posted my last blog, I received a phone call from the LSU Athletic Department and was offered a position as the new Administrative Coordinator for Swimming/Diving, Soccer, and Softball! For those of you who do not know, Mo has worked as the Athletic Dept. for about 4 years now, so I am quite familiar with that environment! And of course, I accepted!!!! It was NOTHING of me, but totally the Lord the way that this job was offered to me! So now I get to work for LSU Athletics (if you live in Baton Rouge, you know there is nothing better!) AND work in the same building as Mo, which is really a lot of fun since everyone knows him! I never realized how much I actually knew about the department and how many people I actually knew as well until I started the job! SO cool! I started on Monday and so far have had a fantastic first couple of days. Of course, like any job, there will be moments when I want to pull my hair out, but so far, it's been smooth sailing!
I am SO HAPPY to report that in less than two weeks we will be packing up the car and driving to HOUSTON to see our jenny juice and Grantley! I could NOT be more excited to sleep on a sleeper sofa! It is going to be tons of fun and great great conversations! We miss them terribly!!
I hope everyone is having a refreshing week! Love to you all!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Posted by
4:34 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I am really lovin this whole housewife thing! For the time being, anyway! I know it would get quite boring after a while, but how much fun is it to be able to get all of my laundry done, dinner cooked, and the house cleaned up everyday before hubby gets home! For those who know me and my OCD cleaning behavior, this makes my heart very happy!
The Lord is at work y'all! I have had some VERY promising interviews this week! So now I am just sitting back waiting for the phone calls, so please be in prayer that the Lord will open the doors that he chooses and closes the others!
I have truly been clinging to this verse this past week. It brings such comfort to know that I am in control of nothing - everything is in his hands!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” - Philippians 4:6-7
I hope this brings some comfort to you all as well! Love to you all!
Posted by
9:01 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Season of Change
Right now Mo and I are in a serious season of change! I am not complaining about this, it is just taking us for a ride, that's all! I am trying to look at this as an adventure!
1. Our best friends moved. While we are not here moping around and throwing a pity party for ourselves, it has changed our routine a bit, especially on the weekends, but we have stayed busy and have been having fun! Plus, I am anticipating a trip to the big TX very soon and that will be oh so exciting!
2. I started a new job several weeks ago that I was very excited about, because you're always excited when you start a new job, right? Well, sadly, it turned out to be a job that after prayerful consideration and discussion with family and friends, I knew I had to leave. Not only was it misrepresented in my interview, but my first two weeks there were so stressful and overwhelming that it was affecting my sleep, my body, and the rest of my life! I saw my coworkers who have been there for quite some time feeling just the same and that's when I got on my knees in prayer and was given a very clear answer. While I am completely 100% confident in my decision and have the support of my husband and family, it is still frustrating to feel as though people are looking at me like I am a "flake" who can't stay at a job! I KNOW, however, that this is not true and that the LORD has that perfect job for ME. I am thankful for this challenge he has given me to step up and rely solely on HIM for counsel. So for the time-being I am Mo's housewife, which I am guiltily enjoying! Please be in prayer for me that I find that "perfect" job.
3. We are moving about 25 mins north of Baton Rouge to Zachary! While at first, I was very hesitant about this move, I am starting to become excited! My parents have a home that they will be moving out of this summer so they can travel and downsize. Such a blessing this is, but they have offered for Mo and I live there FREE while we rent out our townhouse here in Baton Rouge and stash away some savings! Their house is older, but has a LOT more room, and a HUGE yard for the puppies to play in, so we are very excited! This could be temporary for the next few months or it could be permanent - it all depends on what the future holds after Mo graduates in December. There will be a lot of work to come in the following months, but we are confident that it will be very rewarding!
4. Mo is graduating in December. Let me tell y'all - this poor precious man has been in school for what seems like 98092830923094 years! He went part-time, took a year or two off here and there, went part time some more, then full time! He will FINALLY be done come December and I think we are both starting to realize this! Woohoo! It is very exciting, but also very scary in that we will be making some serious decisions in the comings months that will have a great impact on our lives!
I know this post wasn't very exciting, but I guess it was more of an "update" post since so much has been going on! I promise the next few will be more fun! Love to you all!
Posted by
7:09 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bubble Wrap and Packing Tape
No, we are not moving. But our best friends are. It hit me this weekend when my dear Jenny's apartment where we've spent countless hours talking, watching the AKAI in the guest bedroom, hearing the boys play xbox in the living room, and sharing meals together was transformed from a comfy, cozy, home to just an apartment filled with moving boxes surrounded by bare walls. I think we were all a little shocked by the end of the day to see the progress we had made in our packing endeavor. While we were excited we had gotten so much done, to look around and see the transformation was a little tearful.
This week will be a tearful week I am sure, but I look forward to all the exciting trips we will be making back and forth to visit, all of the phone calls, and the gmail chats that will be had! Jen and Grant have become such steadfast, strong friends to both Mo and I and while we are so very sad to see them move 4 hours away, we are very excited to see what the future holds for them!
Here are some sweet pics of our preciouses!
So here's to not saying "Goodbye," but "See you soon!" We love you both so very much and are so excited for this opportunity the Lord has blessed you with!
Posted by
6:24 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ok sooo Jen tagged me for this listing 7 random things about myself business and here it goes!
1. I wash my feet obsessively. It cannot be healthy how fanatical I am about washing my feet before they touch my sheets. I take a shower when I get home from work therefore my feet are clean. I may walk around the house for awhile and jump into bed to watch some TV, but not before washing my feet. If I get up to go get a snack, I must either wash my feet before entering the bed again OR dangle my feet over the side of the bed so they do not touch any bedding (this is only until I can wash my feet, for example, on commercials). This is wierd, yes I know.
2. I speak Cruzan. I am a white girl, yes, but I did spend many years living on an island in the Caribbean. People who are native to St. Croix are called Cruzans. They speak a dialect called "Cruzan."For example:
English: "Where is Jimmy?"
Cruzan: "Wha pa de Jimmy?"
English: "I don't want to hang out with that girl."
Cruzan: "Me nah wan ah lime wit de gyal."
English:"What happened?"
Cruzan: "WHAPPENED?!?!?!?"
I believe that provides you with some adequate information on speaking Cruzan!
3. I don't like cars. I am an SUV girl. I used to have a Nissan Xterra and I miss it so very badly!However, because of gas prices my husband refuses to let me have one! Maybe I am trying to overcompensate for being so short, perhaps?
4. Mmmmbop! Need I say more??
5. When my throat or ear itches, I oink like a pig to make it stop. Mo screams while I am doing this in an effort to make me stop. It never works.
6. When I was 13 yrs. old I talked to Justin Jeffre from 98 degrees on the phone. My best friend's family was friends with his family and she called me one night while he was at their house so I could talk to him. I almost died - and he wasn't even the cute one...
7. I used to own a Dallas Cowboys starter jacket when I was 11. I was cool.
How's that for random!?
Posted by
5:39 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I'm back and I will be in action, I promise from here on out! There will be many more blogs full of exciting details about our lives here in Baton Rouge!! (Did you believe that exciting part?!) j/k! We do have some very exciting moments!
Update #1 - I am so very sad but filled with joy for our friends Jen and Grant as they are MOVING TO HOUSTON! Jen is from Houston, her family is there, and I know she has missed this place tremedously! What an exciting opportunity the Lord has presented to them and I fully trust in Him that he will continue to provide and show His glory to them! We will just be picking up kleenex all over our house for the first few weeks as we will miss them tremendously! ;) However, I know there will be many visits between us and about a billion phone calls thanks to Sprint to Sprint!
Update #2 - I know it was only about 4 months ago that I was writing very enthusiastically about my job at the LSU Childcare Center, but seasons change, and while I will miss many of the children I have grown close to at the center, Mo and I feel like it is time for me to move on as I've been offered a very exciting opportunity/position in my field. As of May 1, I will a Case Manager/Family Service Coordinator for Louisiana Early Steps. This is a state-funded program that provides services/resources to children ages 0-3 yrs. who are experiencing developmental delays. So basically I will be responsible for coordinating services between the families and the service providers (Occupational Therapists, Speech and Hearing Clinics, etc.) While I am SO VERY excited about this opportunity and thrilled to learn and grown in my field, I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. Ultimately I will have a caseload of 50 families for whom I will be responsible for. Please please pray in the comings months that I will have peace with my new position and that I won't experience too much anxiety!
Other than that exciting news, the hubby and I have just been enjoying our weekends together! Mo has been getting plenty of kayaking, fishing, and golfing in while I have been cleaning, shopping, and preparing for the spring! For those who don't know the wierd side of me, I LOVE to clean - it is very relaxing to me. There is nothing like a clean, organized house. It makes my day. However, I know it drives my husband CRAZYYYY!
Oh! AND we just ordered the TomTom ONE. With my new job, I will be driving all over town meeting with my families, and we've been wanting one anyway, so here it is! I can't wait until UPS arrives at my door!
Well my precious friends and family, that's about it for today! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Love you all!
Posted by
3:04 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This morning as I sat in my car outside of work, I was trying to cram in a devotion, grasping for some nugget of encouragement that could get me through what I knew was to be a hectic day. The nugget: Start a journal where you list 5 things from your day that you are grateful for. Here are mine:
1. Easter parties at school! There is nothing more exciting to a preschooler than stuffing easter eggs full of candy, making easter baskets, participating in an egg on the spoon relay race, and eating junk food to your hearts delight while sitting at a festively decorated table with 30 of your closest friends! It is even more exciting for an adult to watch all of this!
2. It is spring break this week so traffic around campus has been just phenomenal! 10 minutes to work - holla! The smallest things are sometimes the best!
3. The donuts in the lounge. Let me just say that the ladies I work enjoy food as much as I do and they are eager to share with the rest of us, so yay for the teacher who brought donuts for all of us today!
4. Dinner with Jen and Grant. I can't even begin to explain how much I needed this time with them, both Mo and I. The Lord really led our conversation and I feel so rejuvenated!
5. My new shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Only a girl can really understand how exciting this truly is!
6. Most of all I am really grateful for this:

I hope all of you are experiencing wonderful little blessings throughout your week!! Have a safe and happy Easter everyone!!!
Posted by
7:12 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
A little of this, a little of that!
To start off, I just want to say to Lindsee how awesome it was to meet you this weekend! Chick fil a has never been so fun as it was Saturday sitting there talking for what was probably two hours with two very precious ladies! The conversation was great, even though it was interrupted by the girl whose mother never taught her to pick up her feet while walking! I am glad you are back home safe and sound and hopefully next time we will get to hang out more!
So I promised pictures from our Key West Vacation which was nearly 3 months ago, and here they finally are!!! Hope you guys enjoy! We sure did!!
God Bless!!!
Posted by
5:22 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Praising Him

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
God Bless!!
Posted by
8:58 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Ohhhhh the weekend!
Since I have started my new, ever-exhausting job working with preschoolers, I have come to CHERISH my weekends! I have become extra stingy with my free time and am snuggling up in my bed a whoooole lot more! While I LOVE my job and the sweet faces I get to see everyday, it is so super draining and forces me to stay on my toes all day!!!! I know many of you can attest to that!
I am very excited to say that our Newlyweds Sunday school has started up again after the holidays - yes, we were a bit delayed! This weekend we will begin the study "The 5 Love Languages" - I am extremely excited to dive into this study as I feel I need a minor tune-up in that area! It's always refreshing to learn new things about your spouse and to invest time, energy, and focus into your marriage!
Speaking of marriage, our TWO year anniversary is coming up on the 25th of this month! I can't believe it has been two years since I walked down that aisle with all of my friends and family watching, speaking those vows to my husband, and celebrating with all of our friends and family! Time flies! I'm not quite sure what we are doing to celebrate this year - last year we went to Houston and it was FREEZING the entire weekend!!
Today I went to perform my ultimate duty as an American citizen - I voted! I was very excited as I hid behind the curtain looking at this "thing" I didn't quite understand! It took me about 10 seconds of panicking to realize which buttons I needed to push, but I did it and am very excited, as silly as that sounds! I voted in 2004, but had to vote with a paper ballot and that was much less confusing! Maybe I am just being dramatic! Me????
I'm sure this blog seems quite random - I guess I just have to get back into blog mode, it has been a while! I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend with their friends and families! Much love to all of you!
Posted by
3:55 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Oh my word!
I am so embarrassed at my lack of blogging this past month and a half and apologize to those who actually check to see if I have updated!
WOW - where to start!! December was a month full of excitement and wonderful happenings! We went to the beautiful Florida Keys and had the most fantastic time together - I even got to KISS a DOLPHIN!! Woohoo!! Pictures will be posted soon for those of you who haven't seen any from the trip.
Christmas was very special as we spent the morning together at the house opening presents and preparing Christmas dinner, which we shared with our sweet friends Mark and Laura. Goodness, Christmas seems like ages ago!
I started my new job at the beginning of January. I know I said before that I didn't want to spill the beans on my blog about where I work, but I feel that it is probably pretty public information anyway so I might as well go ahead and say. I work at the LSU Childcare Center on campus. I absolutely love it and am so excited to be working daily with preschoolers whose sense of humor, honesty, and innocence never cease to amaze me! Mo works only a few buildings away so we get to carpool and have lunch almost every day. Some people might think that would make you sick of each other, but I honestly have not been this happy in so long! It is so great to be able to share lunch with your spouse and have that mid-day checkup on each other to either vent, share stories about the day or just be able to hug each other halfway through the day! I just feel so fulfilled at the end of the day, especially when those sweet little creatures give their goodbye hugs! Priceless!
So there is somewhat of an update! I am super exhausted and ready for bed so that will have to be it for tonight! I love you all and am sorry for the super-delay in updating!!
Posted by
6:56 PM